
15 02 2015

Act 1

Location: BlueFox Bar,Hyderabad

Three friends(Naresh,Sarva,Navdeep) reminiscing about college days in a bar. Naresh and Sarva are meeting Navdeep after a long time. Their discussion leads to dating and Navdeep says he is currently dating Swathi. Naresh and Sarva convince Navdeep to attend a farm house party and to bring Swathi along. Navdeep texts Swathi that his friends will be coming over to pick her to the farmhouse and he will be joining the party as he has to collect package at other end of city. Naresh and Sarva pick Swathi at her office. They introduce themselves as friends of Navdeep and that they have attended college with her. Swathi insists on going home to get an additional pair of dress. Naresh casually asks whether she is dating Navdeep, Swathi says he is her best friend who understands her completely and probably the only person who understood her. Swathi brings them to her home; packs quickly and then they start to farmhouse. They start talking to each other in the car. Naresh takes a detour to his home to pick some stuff before they head to farmhouse. Swathi calls her friend to join the party and realizes that there were no students with names – Naresh and Sarva in her class. She smells something wrong, tries to get out of the house immediately and finds that the house is locked.

Sarva comes alone and then explains the situation. He and Naresh have been following her since long time with no success. So they tricked Navdeep into believing that they are his college friends, gained his trust and then put Swathi into their trap. She is now kidnapped for 20 days and have to co-exist with them in the house. They have to work together to get their basic necessities and there will be no external contact with the world. There will be no physical harassment and anyone violating the rules will be straight out of the home leaving only other guy. At the end of 20th day they will come to a consensus whose love is genuine and they will have a chance to propose Swathi. Swathi will have the final say. She has the right to reject the proposal and then leave the house and there will be no contact from them thereafter.

There shall be no contact with the external world for the rest of 20 days.



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